Neste episódio de Alt.Cast, Maurício Gaia e Zé Antonio Algodoal recebem Fabio Golfetti, guitarrista do Violeta de Outono, legítima representante da psicodelia oitentista no Brasil, além de integrar a banda Gong.

Na conversa, Fabio fala sobre sua carreira, que também inclui uma passagem pela banda Zero, psicodelia e seus projetos

Ever wondered about the meaning of the Invisible Opera Company of Tibet?
Here is part 3 of the Fabio Golfetti interview on the Facelift blog – in which Fabio discusses his relationship with Daevid Allen and the mythology behind the Invisible Opera Company of Tibet – Phil Howitt (13 July 2024)

Back in May, the wonderful Fabio Golfetti, now guitarist with Gong, stayed with us for a whirlwind 24 hours. We’d been threatening to do an interview for years, and the opportunity finally arose. What transpired was 6 or 7 hours of informal chat which has ended up as a sort of mini-biography which will be published on the Facelift blog over the next couple of weeks. Today, to set the scene, is an introduction as to how we first were in touch over 30 years ago. Tomorrow we get fully stuck into Fabio’s early years, his influences, and his connection to Gong and the Canterbury scene in the 70s and 80s… – Phil Howitt (08 July 2024)